Dr. Burt is the leader of recently completed randomized, controlled stem cell trials currently ongoing for 1) systemic sclerosis: ASSIST (American Scleroderma Stem Cell vs. Immune Suppression Trial), and 2) multiple sclerosis: MIST (Multiple Sclerosis International Stem cell trial Immune Suppression vs. Stem Cell Transplant).
Dr. Burt's stem cell trials have been conducted at Northwestern University (Chicago), Uppsala University (Stockholm, Sweden), the University of Sao Paolo (Ribeirao Preto, Brazil) and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals (Sheffield United Kingdom England) and Singapore General Hospital (Singapore).
In 2006, Dr. Burt was recognized by Scientific American along with A1 Gore and Steve Jobs as one of the top 50 people in the world for improving humanity due to his pioneering stem cell work. In 2011, Science Illustrated recognized Dr. Burt's stem cell work as one of the top 10 advances of the decade. In January 2016, the magazine The Economist recognized Dr. Burt's work by concluding: "This work (hematopoietic stem cell transplant for multiple sclerosis) should give drug companies some pause for thought."