Cyclophosphamide with supportive medicine and Fludarabine for first two days,
and only Fludarabine for the last 3-6 days.
From the first day of chemotherapy we start antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal prophylaxis:
- Levofloxacin 500 mg/d,
- Fluconazole 200 mg/d,
- Aciclovire 1200 mg/d,
- Co-trimoxazole (Bactrim) 960 mg/d on Mon, Wen, Fri
Patient should take all tablets:
Pills for breakfast – patient takes one antacid pill before meals, other pills – after meals.
Pills for lunch – patient takes one pill after meals.
Pills for dinner – patient takes one antacid pill before meals, other pills – after meals.
Patient has additional oral medications on Mon, Wen, Fri:
Co-trimoxasole (2 white big pills –morning, evening).
We give Rituximab 500 mg/m² (1 infusion) after immune system recovery (from D+9 to D+12)